A donor advised fund at Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation is simple to establish and operate, allowing you to easily manage your giving without the burden of running a private foundation.

When you open a fund, you become part of our donor community, with access to our staff’s knowledge of local issues and nonprofits, and opportunities to collaborate with other donors to achieve your desired impact.

With a donor advised fund, you can make contributions to the fund and recommend grants whenever you wish while Berkshire Taconic handles all the investment and administrative details.

As a donor advisor, you may suggest the charities you want to benefit. We ensure that the charity meets IRS guidelines. You may receive an immediate charitable income tax deduction whenever you add assets to the fund. You have 24/7 online access to your fund through DonorCentral, helping you track the grants you make.

Other family members can also be named as advisors, making this type of fund an attractive option for donors who wish children and other family members to carry on a tradition of family giving. Unlike private foundations, which are required to distribute 5% of their assets annually, donor advised funds carry no minimum distribution requirement. You can save for a larger grant award at a future date, or let the fund grow until family members are ready to recommend grants.

After the passing of the last fund advisor, donor advised funds retain their name and preserve your legacy as field of interest funds that honor and support your favorite causes forever—or they can help support BTCF’s Community Fund, addressing a broad range of needs.

Minimum to open a donor advised fund: $10,000 non-endowed, $25,000 endowed


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OptionsTax DeductibilityAdministrativeCostsGrantmaking
BTCF Donor Advised FundFully deductible up to 60% AGI* for cash gifts, 30% AGI for gifts of stock, real estate and closely held stock

Can be established immediately

No administration or tax reporting required

No start up costs; fees starting at 1.5% of assets
and declining for larger funds;
$10,000 minimum

Fees reinvested into
the community

Deep knowledge
of local needs and
nonprofits. No
minimum annual


Our staff is
available to help you identify where your gifts will have the most impact

Private Foundation

Fully deductible up to 30% AGI for cash gifts, 20% AGI for gifts of stock

Deduction limited to cost basis for gifts
of real estate and closely held stock

Several months to establish

Annual tax return required including detailed financial schedules

Several thousand
dollars in legal,
accounting and
filing fees; 1.39%
excise tax on net
investment income

Not cost effective
unless $10 million
or more

5% minimum annual payout required

You must arrange and support your own grantmaking structure

Commercial Gift FundFully deductible
up to 60% AGI
for cash gifts,
30% AGI for gifts
of stock

Can be established


No administration or tax reporting required

Fees and minimum
contributions vary

Fees support
corporate entity

No knowledge

of local needs or nonprofits; Payouts may require a minimum
of 5% of net assets on a 5-year rolling basis

Most do not offer personalized advice on grantee selection

* Adjusted gross income

Fee Schedule

As a public charity, we assess fees to help us expand philanthropy in our region and support our leadership and collaboration on high-impact initiatives to benefit our communities.

Download Our Fee Schedule



"We are huge fans of donor advised funds. It costs nothing to create one. It’s there when you have the impulse to be generous, but you’re not sure where. Put your money in, and figure the rest out later. Meanwhile, BTCF is there to help sharpen your vision and help you think about your giving."

- Patty and Tim Crane, Fundholders