The Equity Initiative is a partnership with regional leaders of color to inspire and mobilize philanthropy with, by, and for communities of color.

Apply for a Grant

The Equity Initiative Fund is dedicated to supporting BIPOC-owned, BIPOC-centering, or BIPOC-led organizations. Cultural Workers, leaders, artists and entrepreneurs may also apply as individuals for micro grants. 

Make a Donation to The Equity Fund

The Equity Fund provides grantmaking resources to support new and established leaders and BIPOC-led organizations. BTCF works in collaboration with the Leadership Advisory Committee and donor Learning and Giving Circle to secure philanthropic resources to support the growth of the Equity Fund. 

Join the Learning & Giving Circle

The donor Learning and Giving Circle is committed to shared learning and collective action to advance racial equity and inclusion through philanthropy. Their work is focused on fostering a deeper understanding of equity, inclusion, systemic racism, and the implications on philanthropic practice, as well as implicit bias and how it affects donors’ philanthropic decision-making.