Grant Name County Interest Area Deadline

Blue Horizon Health Fund

Supports medical and dental expenses of residents in need in northwest Litchfield County.
Northwest Litchfield Health & Human Services Rolling

Denise Kaley Fund for Berkshire County Women with Cancer

Supports the day-to-day living expenses of women with cancer and financial need in Berkshire County.
Berkshire Health & Human Services Rolling

Equity Fund

Provides funding for BIPOC-owned, BIPOC-centering, or BIPOC-lead organizations. Cultural Workers, leaders, artists and entrepreneurs may also apply as individuals for micro grants.
Columbia, Berkshire, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Multiple Rolling

Fund for Columbia County: Grants for New Nonprofits

Provides funding for community groups that are in the process of becoming a nonprofit organization
Columbia Nonprofit capacity building Rolling until all funds are expended

Kelley Therapeutic Shoe Fund

Supports therapeutic shoes for people with financial need in Berkshire County.
Berkshire Health & Human Services Rolling


Provides emergency funding through partner agencies for individuals and families in economic distress throughout the Berkshire Taconic region.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Health & Human Services Rolling

New World Fund of the Berkshires

Supports newly arrived immigrants to the Berkshires with basic needs.
Berkshire Health & Human Services Rolling

The Jane Lloyd Fund

Supports basic needs of cancer patients and their families in northwest Connecticut.
Northwest Litchfield Health & Human Services Rolling

Violet H. Simmons Summer Enrichment Fund

Supports enriching educational experiences, generally during the summer, for Webutuck High School graduates who are enrolled in college.
Northeast Dutchess Education Rolling

Arts Build Community: Incubation Grants

For Berkshire County nonprofit arts and cultural organizations to test emerging ideas to more effectively engage residents in the arts and creative process.
Berkshire Arts 3/15/2025

Moonlight Mile Fund

For women at least 18 years of age who are residents of Massachusetts or New York and are seeking funds to support travel or equipment needs for study or athletic competition, professional training, or support for alternative healing.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess Health & Human Services 3/15/2025

Simple Gifts Fund

Supports young people interested in cultural or creative summer enrichment programs.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Education 3/15/2025

Amy Clampitt Poet Residency Program

The Amy Clampitt Fund seeks to advance poetry and the literary arts by providing poet Amy Clampitt’s prior residence in Lenox, Massachusetts as a place to foster the study and promotion of poetry, and to serve as a peaceful retreat for a Poet-in-Residence to nurture and cultivate their work.
Berkshire Arts 6/15/2025

Arts Fund for Region One

Promotes educational opportunities in the arts for students in the Region One School District.
Northwest Litchfield Education 6/15/2025 Deadline for Individual (Fillman) Scholarships: June 15. Deadline for Project Grants: Oct 15.

Region One Athletic Fund for Individuals

Supports athletics, over and above normally funded activities, for all grades and ages in the Region One School District, CT.
Northwest Litchfield Education 6/15/2025

Adams Cheshire Educational Partnership

Educational Enrichment Fund for students of the Adams-Cheshire Regional School District.
Berkshire Education 10/15/2025

Alice and Richard Henriquez Memorial Fund and Youth World Awareness Program

Provides grants to young people ages 14-22 engaged in international community service projects.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Education 10/15/2025

Artist Resource Trust (A.R.T.) Fund for Organizations

Provides grants to nonprofit organizations that support New England mid-career visual artists.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Arts 10/15/2025

Artist's Resource Trust (A.R.T.) Fund For Individuals

Supports artists in the Berkshire Taconic region as they move to the next stage of their development.
Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield Arts 10/15/2025

Berkshire Hills Fund For Excellence

Enriches the educational experience of the students and teachers of the Berkshire Hills Regional School District,.
Berkshire Education 10/15/2025