The Arts Fund for Region One is dedicated to the mission of providing arts opportunities to the students of Region One and the six towns of the Northwest Corner of Connecticut. 

The Arts Fund has been making a difference in our community since 1992. Through the efforts of the superintendent of schools and a private donor, The Arts Fund works to create a pool of private funding to enhance the arts curriculum of Region One. The Arts Fund supports students in their pursuit of arts experiences, brings the arts to the doors of those whose only exposure to the arts is time allotted for the arts in school, and creates bridges between schools, artists, teachers and our community. 

The Fund supports:

  • Project grants
  • Individual scholarships for the arts
  • Fourth Grade Arts Day



Students residing in the towns of Canaan (Falls Village), Cornwall, Kent, North Canaan, Salisbury or Sharon may apply for scholarships to participate in arts-related programs or workshops.


Susan Fillman was the co-founder of The Arts Fund and guided the group through its infancy stages with both her leadership skills and financial support. Her dedication to the idea that all children should have access to the arts was heartfelt. The scholarship fund was named in her memory for her devotion to this cause. Through the Fillman Scholarship, The Arts Fund, in conjunction with Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, provided scholarships for students who reside in Canaan (Falls Village), Cornwall, Kent, North Canaan, Salisbury or Sharon to pursue summer study in the arts.


Applications for summer study are invited from individuals to participate in a project or program that will enhance the student’s artistic development. Applicants must be residents of Canaan (Falls Village), Cornwall, Kent, North Canaan, Salisbury or Sharon and must be in kindergarten through grade 12 at the time that the funded activity takes place.

Applications will be reviewed by the governing board of The Arts Fund for Region One made up of community members, parents and/or teachers. Their recommendations will be referred to Berkshire Taconic’s Board of Directors for final approval. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee.


Grants awarded may range from $100 to $500 and on rare occasions more, if the funds allow and the student has a marked need. Typically, the Fund does not cover more than 25% of the total cost of the program. Higher grant amounts are often awarded to older students and those with a sustained interest in a particular art form.


Applications will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Excellence: Is the program truly of a high quality? Does it involve qualified teachers? Does the program support and highlight, dance, the visual, graphic, musical or dramatic arts?
  • Interest: Does the student show a demonstrated and marked interest in an art form? Will the program enhance this interest?


Project Grants


The project must enhance the students' artistic development and the majority of the students must be residents of Canaan (Falls Village), Cornwall, Kent, North Canaan, Salisbury or Sharon, and must be in kindergarten through grade 12 at the time that the fund activity takes place.

Applications will be reviewed by the governing board of The Arts Fund for Region One made up of community members, parents and/or teachers. Their recommendations will be referred to Berkshire Taconic's Board of Directors for final approval. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee.

Berkshire Taconic does not support organizations which in their constitution, by-laws, or practice, discriminate against a person or group on the basis of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religious belief.


Grants awarded may range from $500 to $1,000 and on rare occasions more.


Applications will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Excellence: Is the program truly of a high quality? Does it involve qualified individuals? Does the program support and highlight dance, the visual, graphic, musical or dramatic arts?
  • Impact: Does the program benefit a significant number of students? Does it correlate to the school or district curriculum?


Northwest Litchfield

Interest Area


Grant Amount

Up to $1,000 for projects grants; up to $500 for the Fillman Scholarship


6/15/2025 Deadline for Individual (Fillman) Scholarships: June 15. Deadline for Project Grants: Oct 15.

How To Apply

Click the apply button below to visit our application portal.
