Planned Gifts
We can help you realize your goals, achieve tax advantages and leave a growing legacy for generations to come through a variety of planned giving options, including:
Charitable Bequests
A simple way to provide for your community through your will or trust
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Provide income for a charity or a family member while gaining tax savings
IRA Charitable Rollover
If you are 70 ½ or older, this option can support our mission and provide you benefits
Retirement Account Assets
Unneeded assets designated for charitable purposes can meet your goals and transfer tax-free
Life Insurance Policy
Transforming a policy into a gift can support your charitable goals and achieve savings

An Enduring Charitable Legacy
Legacy Circle
Donors who leave an enduring legacy through a planned gift or bequest to Berkshire Taconic become members of our Legacy Circle.
We offer a variety of options to meet your individual needs and charitable aspirations. These tools may help.
Professional Advisor Partners
The following professional, legal and financial advisors have chosen to work with Berkshire Taconic to achieve their clients’ philanthropic and financial goals. We would like to acknowledge their good work on behalf of charitable giving in our communities.
If you have worked with us and do not see your name listed, please let us know.
Harris N. Aaronson
Aaronson & Mach PC
Molly Ackerly, Esq.
Ackerly Brown LLP
Paula K. Almgren
Berkshire Law Group
Andrea Doyle Asman
Litwin Asman PC
Jeffrey Belair
Smith, Watson & Company LLP
Alexander W. Bloomstein, Esq.
Baldwin & Bloomstein LLC
Jennifer M. Boll, Esq.
Bond, Schoeneck & King PLLC
Morgen M. Bowers
Four Corners Legacy Law
Louise F. Brown, Esq.
Ackerly Brown LLP
Michael Bucci
Pattison Koskey Howe & Bucci PC
J. Peri Campoli, Esq.
Campoli, Monteleone & Mozian PC
Matthew Chester, CFP
Tableaux Wealth
Michael Citrin
Drury, Patz & Citrin LLP
Janice J. Cook, Esq.
Donovan O’Connor & Dodig LLP
Thomas A. Curtin
Alexandra Dest
Willow Investments
Jason Dohaney, MBA
MountainOne Investments
Edward F. Downey
Downey, Haab and Murphy PLLC
Geoffrey Drury
Drury, Patz & Citrin LLP
Mark S. Gold
Smith Green & Holmes LLP
Pamela R. Green
Smith Green & Holmes LLP
Mitchell I. Greenwald
Law Office of Mitchell I. Greenwald
Devon W. Grierson
Nuciforo Law Group
Perley H. Grimes, Jr.
Cramer and Anderson LLP
Sherwood Guernsey II, Esq.
Law Offices of Sherwood Guernsey
Allyson M. Holmes
Smith Green & Holmes LLP
Martin L. Huban III
Brazee and Huban CPAs
Ellen Janis, MBA
Commonwealth Financial Group
Ira J. Kaplan, Esq.
Attorney at Law
Katherine Kiefer, Esq.
Ethan Klepetar
Arienti + Klepetar LLP
Richard P. Koskey
Pattison Koskey Howe & Bucci PC
Thomas Malinowski
Renaissance Investment Group LLC
John J. Martin, Esq.
Martin & Oliveira LLP
William E. Martin, Esq.
Martin & Oliveira LLP
Michael McCarthy
George, Massimiano & McCarthy PC
Kathleen McCormick
McCormick, Murtagh & Marcus
Ronda G. Parish
Law Office of Ronda G. Parish
Linda Patz
Drury, Patz & Citrin LLP
Lucy Prashker
Cain Hibbard & Myers PC
Holly Rogers
Law Office of Holly Rogers
Keith Salisbury
Walsh, Wicks & Salisbury
Gary Schiff
October Mountain Financial Advisors
Brooks Sherman
RBC Wealth Management
Patricia Shevy
The Shevy Law Firm
Christopher Silipigno
Renaissance Investment Group, LLC
James J. Sisto, Esq.
Berkshire Elder Law Center
Benjamin Smith
Benjamin Smith & Associates Legal Counsel PC
Susan M. Smith, Esq.
David R. Stack
McLaughlin & Stern LLP
Donna Turner
Smith, Watson & Company LLP
John N. Umlauf
Umlauf & Dunn PC
Charles C. Vail
Ackerly Brown LLP
Emily Vail
Ackerly Brown LLP
Donna D. Vincenti
Law Offices of Donna D. Vincenti
Carl G. Whitbeck, Jr., Esq.
Whitbeck Benedict & Smith LLP
Douglas F. Wicks, Esq.
Walsh, Wicks & Salisbury