Note: if you intend to apply for a program that will take place before the June 15th deadline, please visit and follow instructions there to apply for immediate consideration.


Students, teachers, coaches, administrators and community members for projects and programs that enhance the physical and athletic experience of students in the Region 1 School District of Connecticut. Preference is given to programs that benefit students in grades 7-11 and intend to stay in Region 1 schools.


The Region 1 Athletic Fund recognizes that a complete education involves not only academic studies but the development of a healthy strong physical body along with the accompanying values of sportsmanship, team playing, endurance, ambition, discipline, and fair play that athletics has to offer. The Fund has been formed for the purpose of enhancing and enriching the physical and athletic experiences of the students in all the schools that comprise the Region One School District.

The Fund wants to ensure the highest level of physical achievement for the students of Region 1 to enhance their capacity to compete and excel in the sport or physical activity of their choice and cultivate competitive teams. The Fund will support a variety of programs including (but not limited to) special coaching, summer training/camp programs, special movement classes to improve performance, master classes, coach training, equipment/uniform purchase, or even facility improvement.

It is the intention of the Fund to support athletics in the broadest terms among all grades and ages within Region 1 with preference given to programs benefitting students in grades 7-11. The Region 1 Athletic Fund will support projects that are over and above those normally funded by local, state, and federal funding.


Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Region 1 school and looking to participate in a project or program that will not only enhance their athletic skills but also help build a stronger athletic program for the school. For example, an applicant might request funds to participate in a soccer program that will give them skills that can be shared with other members of the school team. Individual awards typically will not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of the program. Grantees must be enrolled in the Region 1 School District at the time that the funded activity takes place and intending to continue to be enrolled for at least the next school year.

If an applicant submits more than one request for consideration and is awarded a grant, the committee will select only one request for funding. This will be the request that the committee feels most closely meets the award criteria and the award may not be substituted for another program without the consent of the committee.


Generally, grants will not exceed 50% of the total cost of program fees and/or equipment. Requests may not include travel, hotel, food, or clothing costs.


Applications will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Quality of the program that you have chosen.
  • Demonstrated interest in pursuing your athletic goals.
  • Potential impact of the program on your athletic goals and on the school community.

Applications will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the 21st Century Fund made up of community members, parents and/or teachers. Their recommendations will be referred to Berkshire Taconic’s Board of Directors for final approval. Incomplete applications will not be considered by the committee.


Northwest Litchfield

Interest Area


Grant Amount

Not to exceed 50% of program cost



How To Apply

Click the apply button below to visit our application portal.
