Giving through a charitable remainder trust can support BTCF's future grantmaking while providing you, or someone you select, with income for life or a specified number of years. This option allows you to "donate the tree and keep the fruit."

You do this by placing cash, property or other assets irrevocably into a trust, which distributes an annual income for life or for the duration of the trust to the income beneficiary. The payments can be a fixed dollar amount (an annuity trust) or a percentage of the principal (a unitrust).

Benefits to You

  • Make a significant gift to charity
  • Provide a lifetime income for yourself and/or your beneficiaries
  • Reduce your taxable estate
  • Avoid immediate capital gains tax when the gifted asset is sold
  • Realize an income tax charitable deduction
  • Increase income by converting low—yield assets

Charitable remainder trusts offer a great deal of flexibility. Payments may be made to you throughout your life, and then directed to your spouse or other beneficiaries after your death. Or, the trust may be set up by your will, benefiting a loved one for his or her lifetime. The eventual distribution to BTCF will take effect only at the end of the trust term.

Minimum to establish a charitable remainder trust: $250,000