Nonprofit organizations or public entities within the Berkshire Taconic region that encourage or preserve small, community-based agricultural ventures.


The Green Pastures Fund was established at Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation in 1999 by an anonymous donor. The fund’s mission is to preserve and encourage small, community-based agricultural ventures which might include, but are not limited to: community-supported agriculture; local farmers’ markets; urban garden programs; agricultural scholarships; cooperative programming; internships; grantwriting; and marketing.


  • Proposals are considered for new or ongoing projects of non-profit organizations or public agencies. No project will be funded for more than 3 consecutive years. Community groups that are not incorporated may apply using another nonprofit as a fiscal agent.
  • Preference will be given to projects that can show additional sources of funding or in-kind support.
  • Grantees must wait twelve months before applying for another grant from the fund.

The Foundation does not support organizations which in their constitution, by-laws, or practice, discriminate against a person or group on the basis of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religious belief.


Grants generally range from $1,000 to $3,000. A total of $10,000 will be available for grants this cycle.


All applications will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Quality: How worthy is the project? Is it the right time for this project? Does it involve qualified individuals and organizations? Is it well conceived? Does it fit well with other related activities and regional priorities?
  • Impact: What is the potential of the project to serve as a catalyst for action? Does it engage the community? Will it make a meaningful difference in the quality of the region’s resources?
  • Ability: Can the applicant complete the project? Does the organization exhibit a demonstrated capacity to initiate and successfully execute similar projects? Are the appropriate staff members or volunteers involved? Is the staff/group capable and stable enough to perform the tasks necessary to complete the proposed project?
  • Grant Impact: If the proposed grant is not received, will this project either be severely curtailed or not provided at all?

Applications will be reviewed by the anonymous fund advisors. Their recommendations will be reviewed by Berkshire Taconic’s board of directors.


Berkshire, Columbia, Northeast Dutchess, Northwest Litchfield

Interest Area


Grant Amount

Up to $3,000



How To Apply

Click the apply button below to visit our application portal.
