Message from President Peter Taylor

Dear Friends,

I write to share the news that I have decided to step down from my role as BTCF’s president. This decision is the most difficult of my professional career because of my commitment to the mission, people and region served by the community foundation. I am grateful for the opportunity over the last eight-plus years to lead BTCF, to be a member of such a talented staff team, and to work with a strong and supportive board of directors. We have accomplished a lot in partnership with our generous donor community and expert nonprofit partners.  

BTCF is in a strong position to make this transition. The staff is deep with talent and experience. The Foundation’s Board of Directors is ably led by Pamela Green and Dave Offensend, and the board is exceptional. High-performing organizations like BTCF can benefit from new leaders who bring fresh energy and creative ideas to advance the Foundation’s mission. It’s been a privilege to serve in this leadership role, and now it is time for someone else to take the helm of this phenomenal organization.  

Looking at many measures, BTCF has grown over this period—in annual grants and scholarships awarded, the number of charitable funds, and the growth of these funds through gifts from our donor community, other funders, and an exceptional investment program.

Together, we have expanded BTCF’s reach as a strategic grant maker and regional leader. We advanced our strategic goals of increasing educational attainment, community engagement, and economic opportunity. We have more robust partnerships with our area fund committees around shared goals. During the pandemic, our staff, board, nonprofits, and core partners stepped up to help our communities and residents respond, adapt, and make it through the crisis together.

BTCF has built off the many enduring strengths of this region: generosity, kindness, deep affinity to our communities, and the willingness to roll up our sleeves to get important things done. BTCF is a stronger organization today because of the work we’ve been able to do together—and I’m grateful that I have been BTCF’s leader over this time.  

While I have nothing specific lined up, my next role will continue to serve communities and nonprofits in some capacity. I have enjoyed working with teams of staff and board members to identify and vigorously pursue strategic goals, and I have also learned a lot about how to effectively grow an organization and how philanthropic strategies can advance critical issues. My next professional opportunity will surface in the coming months, and I hope my future work will be as fulfilling as my time at BTCF.  

I plan to remain in my role through the search, and this time is valuable as we have lots to accomplish this year. I will be staying in the area, and I look forward to continuing the many relationships I have formed during my tenure as president of Berkshire Taconic. It has truly been an honor to serve the communities of our region.  


Peter Taylor